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Henry 打算给他的女朋友一个生日惊喜,于是决定自己找食谱做饼干,但他实在没什么下厨的经验,Bob 因此决定帮他一把!现在他们正在超市里采买必要的食材。Henry: Wow look at all these different types of flour… strong flour, wholew

Henry 打算给他的女朋友一个生日惊喜,于是决定自己找食谱做饼干,但他实在没什么下厨的经验,Bob 因此决定帮他一把!现在他们正在超市里采买必要的食材。

Henry: Wow look at all these different types of flour… strong flour, wholewheat flour, double zero flour—what type does the recipe say we need?


Bob: Let me see… 800 grams of all-purpose flour.

Bob:我看看…要用 800 公克的中筋面粉。

Henry: Okay. (puts the bag of flour into the cart)

Henry:好。 (将一袋面粉放进购物车)

Bob: Next, we need to find yeast and icing sugar.


Henry: Got it. Hey, I suppose we’ll need eggs, right?


Bob: Oh yeah, let me pick up two half-dozen eggs.


Henry: (reading the recipe) And we’ll also need some measuring spoons…

Henry:(阅读食谱) 我们也需要一些量匙…



all-purpose flour (n.) 中筋面粉

flour 的中文为「面粉」,市面上面粉大致分为三种:高筋面粉 (bread flour)、中筋面粉 (all-purpose flour / double zero flour / 00 four)、低筋面粉 (cake flour / pastry flour)。

高筋面粉多用于制作面包,它的英文直接叫 bread flour (面包面粉),是不是很好记呢?中筋面粉由于用途特别广,所以英文名叫 all-purpose flour (全用途面粉,万用面粉),在欧洲则称为 double zero flour;而低筋面粉多用于制作松松绵绵的蛋糕, 英文为 cake flour / pastry flour (蛋糕面粉),其中筋度 pastry flour 又比 cake flour 略高。

My mother always keeps a few bags of all-purpose flour at home for baking.


yeast (n.) 酵母

yeast 意指「酵母」,补充烘焙时常见的原料:milk powder (奶粉)、baking soda (泡打粉),和 icing sugar / powdered sugar (糖粉)。

Mix the yeast in with the flour, salt and water before kneading the dough, before leaving it to rise for a few hours.


half-dozen eggs (n.) (半打的) 蛋

在欧美国家,一盒蛋通常有六颗,即为半打 half dozen,因此一盒蛋为 a half-dozen eggs、两盒蛋为 two half-dozen eggs,以此类推。

Can you pick me up a half-dozen eggs from the supermarket? I want to bake a cake.

补充,英文中有个俚语 six and half a dozen,意思类似于中文的半斤八两。

It doesn’t matter which way you go, it’s six and half a dozen. Even if you take the shorter route, it will take about the same time because of traffic.


measuring spoon (n.) 量匙

measure 在此为动词,意指「测量」,spoon 则是「汤匙」,measuring spoon 指的即是烘焙用的「量匙」,补充几种常见的丈量单位:tsp (teaspoon 的缩写) 为「一茶匙」、tbsp (tablespoon 的缩写) 为「一大匙」,差不多为三茶匙的量。

The measuring spoon was covered in flour.



Bob: Before we start, we have to preheat the oven to 180 Celsius.

Bob:在开始前,我们必须先把烤箱预热 180 度。

Henry: Okay.


Bob: And then, we’ll need eight egg whites.


Henry: Do you know how to separate the egg white from the yolk?


Bob: Sure, let me show you.


(A few minutes later.)


Bob: Alright. Now let’s sift the flour.


Henry: I’m on it… oops!


Bob: Careful! Oh no it’s all over the floor!



preheat (v.) 预热

preheat 为动词,中文为「预热」。这个单字由字首 pre- (提前) 加上 heat (加热) 组成。

Bob preheated the oven while he prepared the ingredients.

Bob 在备料前先把烤箱预热。

egg white (n.) 蛋清

egg white 的中文为「蛋清」,字面意义为「蛋白」。而文中提及的 yolk 指的则是「蛋黄」。食谱中写的 whole egg 则是指「全蛋」,也就是蛋白加蛋黄。若要把蛋白蛋黄分开,则可用 separate the egg white from the yolk 这样的句子。

Sally only eats the egg whites because she thinks the yolks make you fat.

Sally 只吃蛋白,因为她认为蛋黄会让人发胖。

sift (v.) 过筛

sift 为意指「过筛」,而 sifter 或 sieve /ˈsɪv/ 则是指「筛子」,如:flour sifter (面粉筛)。

The baker used a sieve to sift the flour.


