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你了解跆拳道吗? 「回旋踢」的英文要怎么说?

放完寒假,Aaron 和 Samuel 两人在开学第一天闲聊,互相问对方选了哪些有趣的课。Aaron: I heard you’ve started taking taekwondo classes.Aaron:我听说你注册了跆拳道的课。Samuel: Yeah, I’ve been obsessed with martial arts lat

放完寒假,Aaron 和 Samuel 两人在开学第一天闲聊,互相问对方选了哪些有趣的课。

Aaron: I heard you’ve started taking taekwondo classes.


Samuel: Yeah, I’ve been obsessed with martial arts lately.


Aaron: Oh really? have you finally decided to beat up that bully from our class?


Samuel: No! You can’t use violence to stop violence. Martial arts are more for self-defense, not for aggression.


Aaron: Chill out, I was only joking! What made you choose taekwondo instead of something like karate?


你了解跆拳道吗? 「回旋踢」的英文要怎么说?

Samuel: I used to play soccer, and taekwondo also involves kicking so I thought it would be easier to get the hang of.


Aaron:  Here… what’s actually the difference between taekwondo and karate?


Samuel: They’re totally different. First of all, they come from different countries. Taekwondo is from Korea. Karate is from Japan. Secondly, taekwondo emphasizes kicking, whereas karate focuses on hand strikes. 


martial arts (n.) 武术

martial 的意思是「武术的;军事的」,而 art 有「技术;本领」之意,因此 martial arts 就是指「武术」,除了对话中提到的 taekwondo (跆拳道) 和 karate (空手道) 之外,常见的武术还有 kung fu (功夫)、jiu-jitsu (柔术)、Muay Thai (泰拳)。

Many foreigners take up martial arts after watching kung fu movies.


beat sb. up  (phr.) 痛扁某人

beat 本身就有「打;击」之意,其动词三态是 beat-beat-beaten,而片语 beat sb. up 的意思又更强烈,意指「痛扁;痛殴」某人。

The gangsters beat up a high school student to threaten him into giving them money.


get the hang of sth. (phr.) 抓到…的诀窍、要领

get the hang of sth. 是指在学习某件困难的事情时「抓到…的诀窍、要领」,也就是对某件事「上手;熟悉」之意。

Unlike most old people, my grandpa got the hang of using a smartphone really quickly.


几周过后,Aaron 又碰到 Samuel,便关心他的跆拳道学得如何。

Aaron: How’s your taekwondo class?


Samuel: The coach has been teaching us the fundamentals of taekwondo: the ready, horse, walking, and forward stances.


Aaron: So you just learned how to stand? When do you get to start kicking things?


Samuel: Laying the groundwork is essential! We’ll start on kicks next week, including the front kick, roundhouse kick, side kick, two feet alternate kick and… 


Aaron: Wait, wait! You’re confusing me with all these names!


Samuel: Well I can demonstrate after I’ve learned them!


Aaron: Alright! So you are white belt at the moment, right? What do the different colors mean?


Samuel: Different colors represent different levels. The white belt is for beginners, and from there it goes: white belt with a yellow stripe, yellow belt, yellow belt with a green stripe, green belt, up to black belt. Then there are nine different levels or “dans” at black belt… You still with me?

Samuel:不同的颜色代表不同级数。白带是给初学者的,接下来是白黄带、黄带、黄绿带、绿带,一路到黑带,黑带又由九个段位组成… 你有跟上吗?

Aaron: Sorry, I zoned out. I get it—you love Taekwondo.


stance (n.) 站姿

stance 除了当「观点;立场」之外,还有「(运动时的) 站姿」。在跆拳道里面,不同的招式会搭配特定的站姿,就像对话中提到的 horse stance (马步)、forward stance (弓步) 等。

The horse stance is very common in martial arts.


groundwork (n.) 基础;准备工作

ground 是「地面;土地」,盖房子都是从地面开始打根基,接着再往上盖,因此 groundwork 就是做某件事前的「准备工作」,也可以指「根基;基础」,常跟动词 lay 搭配。

once you lay the groundwork, you’ll learn quickly.


roundhouse kick (n.) 回旋踢

还记得前一阵子风靡全球的「瓶盖挑战 (bottle cap challenge)」吗?当时网路流传了许多艺人用回旋踢踢开瓶盖的影片,其中回旋踢的英文就是 roundhouse kick。

My sister threw out her back trying to do a roundhouse kick.


dan (n.) 段位

dan 是专指跆拳道、柔道、空手道的「段位」。其中跆拳道分成十级九段,级术用不同的色带区分,十级是最初阶的白带,一级则是红黑带。而黑带分为九段,一到三段是黑带新手,四到六带是高阶段位,七到九带则是对跆拳道领域有极大贡献的人。

If you don’t have a dan certificate issued by World Taekwondo, you can’t sign up for the contest.


