农历年快到了,今年是 James 出社会工作后第一次可以包红包给家人的农历年,除了包红包之外,他还想要带家人去吃一间美食排行榜上第一名的热门餐厅,于是他就打了通电话去预约…
Cashier: Hello, this is Ken’s Restaurant. How can I help you?
店员: 您好,这里是 Ken’s Restaurant,有什么可以帮你的吗?
James: Hi, I would like to reserve a table for four on January 24.
James: 妳好,我想要预约一月二十四号,四位。
Cashier: Sorry, we have no availability on that day.
店员: 不好意思,我们那天预约已经满了。
James: How about January 25?
James: 那一月二十五号呢?
Cashier: We have free tables on that day. What time would you like to reserve?
店员: 那天可以,你想要预约几点?
James: 7 o’clock at night please. How long will you hold the reservation?
James: 晚上七点,请问你们的预约会保留多久呢?
Cashier: We will hold it for ten minutes. May I have your name and phone number?
店员: 我们会保留十分钟,想请问您的大名跟联络电话是?
James: My name is James, and my phone number is 09-1234-5678.
James: 我的名字是 James,电话是 09-1234-5678。
Cashier: Okay. Your confirmation is //confirm/i/ied.
店员: 没问题,您的预约已完成。
James: Great, thank you.
James: 太棒了,谢谢你。
reserve a table for (phr.) 预约…的位子
去餐厅为了省去排队时间,我们通常都会先打电话预约,而这个片语就是预约时会用到的说法喔! reserve 是动词「预约,保留」的意思,后面要加上 a table 表示预订一张桌子,若要表明预约几个人的位子,则用介系词 for 后面接上人数即可,或是若要表明几点,也可以在 for 后面直接接上时间。
Can you help reserve a table for two at TGI Fridays tomorrow?
你可以帮忙预约 Fridays 吗?明天晚上,两位。
We have no availability. 预约已满
有时候打电话去餐厅预约时难免会遇到当天预定已满的状况,如果店员跟你说这句话的时候,你可能就要换间餐厅或是换个日期订位啰! availability 是名词,「可得性」的意思,其形容词形是 available (可取得的)。
We have no availability this Friday, do you want to postpone your reservation?
How long will you hold the reservation? 预约会保留多久?
每间餐厅的预约保留时间不一定一样,若打电话预约的你想要确定预约保留时间,这句话非常实用! reservation 这个字是动词 reserve (保留;预订) 变化而来的,而 hold 常用的意思为「握住,抓住」,在这边则是指「保留」。
Most restaurant holds the reservation for ten minutes.
农历年过后,James 也跟朋友计画要出国玩,以免太晚订房价暴涨,他决定先打通电话去饭店问问看住宿资讯…
Front desk: This is the front desk. How can I help you?
柜台: A Hotel,有什么我可以帮忙的吗?
James: Hi, I would like a room for one night on February 28, is there any vacancy?
James: 你好,我想要在二月二十八号订一间房间,请问有空房吗?
Front desk: Yes, we have room. What kind of room do you want?
柜台: 有,你想要哪一种房型?
James: I would like to have a room with a twin twin bed.
James: 我想要订一间双床房。
Front desk: No problem, sir.
柜台: 没问题。
James: What is the price of this room?
James: 请问现在房价多少?
Front desk: It is $200 per night.
柜台: 现在一个晚上 200 美金。
James: Does it include breakfast?
James: 请问有含早餐吗?
Front desk: Yes.
柜台: 有的。
James: Is there any chance of getting a discount?
James: 请问能给一点折扣吗?
Front desk: Sorry sir, it is the lowest price we can offer.
柜台: 对不起,这已经是最低价了。
James: Okay, I’ll take it.
James: 好吧没关系,我要订一间。
Is there any vacancy? 请问有空房吗?
不论国内旅游或是国外旅游,住宿一定是事先预定好的,现在订房方式百百种,而打电话预订也是一种方式,如果你想打电话到饭店确定入住当天是否有空房的话,可以怎么问呢?这句话赶快学起来吧! vacancy 是名词,「空位」的意思,由形容词 vacant (空的) 衍伸而来。
Is there any vacancy available tomorrow night?
twin bed room (n.) 双床房
饭店房型百百种,其中一种就是双床房,也就是两张单人床的房型,一般的双人床房是 double room。
Which kind of room would you prefer, twin bed room or double room?
Is there any chance of getting a discount? 请问能给一点折扣吗?
如果你跟小 V 一样精打细算,那这句铁定要学起来啊! discount 就是名词「折扣」的意思,如果柜台回你 “You can get a 10% off discount.” 是打一折的意思吗?各位小 V 们千万不要开心地太早!因为 10% off 是代表打九折的意思喔! ”数字% off” 是「去掉多少百分比」的意思,因此 10% off 就是去掉 10%,也就是打九折。
I’m wondering, is it possible to get any special discount?