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to stare blanklyblankly 的中文解释是「茫然的」、「没有表情的」,因此 stare blankly 即为「茫然地凝视」,说白一点就是「发呆」啦!大亨小传 The Great Gatsby 里面有一句经典的话就用到了 stare blankly:The loneliest moment in s

to stare blankly

blankly 的中文解释是「茫然的」、「没有表情的」,因此 stare blankly 即为「茫然地凝视」,说白一点就是「发呆」啦!

大亨小传 The great Gatsby 里面有一句经典的话就用到了 stare blankly:

The loneliest moment in someone’s life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly.


When I saw her, she was just staring blankly at her computer screen.


to zone out

zone out 不会像 stare blankly 持续时间那么久,通常 zone out 是指在一个短暂时间里恍神发呆,比如你因为昨天晚上没睡好,导致精神疲惫,所以别人讲到一半时你失神,发呆了一下下,就可以用 zone out。


A: So anyway, as I was saying… Are you even listening to me?

A: 反正,我刚刚说… 你有在听我说话吗?

B: Oh, sorry! I just zoned out for a second.

B: 噢抱歉!我刚刚出神了一下。

to be in a daze/trance

to be in a daze/trance 这种发呆情形通常是「茫然」、「恍惚」,就像小 V 有时候刚起床不久神智没清醒,就会 in a daze 一段时间,尤其是假日无所事事的早晨。

A: What’s wrong with him? He seems kind of off today.

A: 他怎么了?他今天看起来心不在焉。

B: I don’t know. He’s just been sitting there in a daze.

B: 我不知道耶!他就一直坐在那里发呆。

to stare into space

stare 的意思为「凝视」,而 space 则表示「空间」,所以 stare into space 的发呆方式是「直视着前方放空」,例如念书念一念觉得无聊,但还是坚持不放下书本,最后的结果就是 stare into space 直视著书发呆啦!除了 stare into space 之外,也可以说 look into space 或 gaze into space 哦!

He says he’s studying, but look at him! He’s just staring into space!


to drift off

drift 这个字本身是「漂流」的意思,而 drift off 用来形容发呆的话,就像是「思绪漂流」,无法专心于目前进行的事物,最常见的情形就是上课或演讲很无聊的时候了!台上讲者讲他的,我在台下 drift off 我的!

This class is so boring. I’m trying to pay attention, but I keep drifting off.


