1. 表达想睡
累到眼睛睁不开,可以这样说:can’t keep one’s eyes open
很快入睡:flake out、be out like a light
例句:As soon as the lights were turned off,Tom was out like a light.
2. 各种睡法
上床睡觉:go to bed、hit the hay、hit the sack
例句:I’m going to hit the sack – I’m exhausted.
开车时睡着:fall asleep at the wheel
例句:If I fall asleep at the wheel wake me up.
小睡一下:take a nap、have a snooze、have forty winks
例句:I would feel much better when I’ve had forty winks.
打瞌睡:doze off、nod off
补眠:catch up on one’s night
3. 各种睡眠状态
睡得很好:sleep well、sleep soundly、sleep like a log(log=木头,熟睡到像根木头一样)、sleep like a baby、be dead to the world(睡死了!)
例句:It’s 10 o’clock now, but he’s still dead to the world.
睡得不好:sleep badly、sleep poorly
例句:You look as if you slept badly.
熟睡:be sound asleep
例句:The baby was sound asleep in the bedroom.
辗转反侧:toss and turn
例句:My husband was tossing and turning all night.
完全没睡:not sleep a wink、have a sleepless night
例句:He had a sleepless night last night.
熬夜:stay up、burn the midnight oil
例句:Now he could burn the midnight oil unmolested.
4. 各种睡姿
侧睡:sleep on one’s side
仰睡:sleep on one’s back
趴睡:sleep on one’s stomach
5. 其他相关用语
熟睡不容易叫醒的人:heavy sleeper
浅眠者:light sleeper
失眠患者:insomniac (失眠:insomnia)
习惯晚起:late riser
夜猫子:night owl
美容觉:beauty sleep
露宿街头:sleep rough