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你是不是也用错这些英文单字了? 快来区分这些超常用Tricky words!

一、 Practice v.s Practise (for British English)Practise 是个动词,解释为:为了变得更好而重复地做一件事情(It means to do something repeatedly in order to get better at it.)举例一:I practise English everyday举例二:He ne

一、 Practice v.s Practise (for British English)

Practise 是个动词,解释为:为了变得更好而重复地做一件事情

(It means to do something repeatedly in order to get better at it.)

举例一:I practise English everyday

举例二:He needs to practise his handwriting more


(It means to the habit of doing something or the application or use of an idea, belief or method)

举例一:In the 1950’s the Audio-lingual method was common practice

举例二:He makes a practice of always being punctual


I have always made it my practice to practise my Japanese every day


你是不是也用错这些英文单字了? 快来区分这些超常用Tricky words!

二、all together v.s Altogether

All together是个片语,解释为在一个团体中聚集或联合

(in a group, united or gathered. )

举例一:We waited all together in the garden.

这指出,我们像个团体般在花园中等待着 (We waited in a group in the garden.)

举例二:I put all my important papers all together on my desk.

这指出,我将重要文件汇聚在一起,放在桌上。 (I gathered them together on my desk. )


(thoroughly, totally, completely)

举例一:My phone lost signal altogether.

这是指,我的手机完全失去讯号 (My phone lost signal completely. )

举例二:I was altogether baffled by his question.

解释为我十足的感到困惑 (I was totally baffled / confused by his question.)

三、Everyday v.s every day


(normal, commonplace, ordinary.)


举例一:I always shop at ”UniQLo”. They make great everyday clothes.

意思是,我常常逛UniQLo,因为他为平凡的需求打造出漂亮的衣服 (They make great clothes for ordinary, normal use. )

举例二:Recently I find it hard to find time to get everyday tasks such as cleaning and washing done.

这句话强调的是,我发觉要找出时间将普通的差事做好很难 (I find it hard to find the time to get normal, ordinary tasks done.)

Every Day 就是指大家熟知的,与”day”有关

( each day or on all days.)

举例一: I worked every day last week, including Saturday and Sunday!


举例二: I wear shirts like this basically every day!


简单来说,Every Day是Something you do each day;而Everyday适用于something which is normal and usual.



