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1. 不要『做自己』举例来说,面试工作的时候,千万别『做自己』。不管你平常是什么样的人,这时请穿着得体,彬彬有礼并展现热情! (又,『做自己』究竟是一个什么样的概念?因为我们每分每秒都是不同的『自己』,『自己』是个时时刻刻建

1. 不要『做自己』

举例来说,面试工作的时候,千万别『做自己』。不管你平常是什么样的人,这时请穿着得体,彬彬有礼并展现热情! (又,『做自己』究竟是一个什么样的概念?因为我们每分每秒都是不同的『自己』,『自己』是个时时刻刻建构出来的变动概念。)

所以,让我们一起来『装久了就成功』(Fake it until you make it.),展现自己正面、积极的一面(装也要装出来)!

2. 强调『共通点』(similarity)


3. 使对方说出他们的兴趣



作法:别当一个谈话上自恋狂(conversational narcissit),想与人好好相处,先学会「倾听」。

那倾听完要如何回应呢?可以参考以下几种回覆(节录自Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-being一书)


对方:I received a promotion and a raise at work!(我工作升迁又加薪了!)

[slider title=”积极、有助益的(active and constructive)的回覆:” ]That is great! I am so proud of you. I know how important that promotion was to you! Please relive the event with me now. Where were you when your boss told you? What did he say? How did you react? We should go out and celebrate. Nonverbal: maintaining eye contact, displays of positive emotions, such as genuine smiling, toughing, laughing.



➮ 超强,好像比当事人还要兴奋开心。技巧:表现出认同、与有荣焉的情感并请当事人重述经历。

[slider title=”消极、有助益的(passive and constructive)回覆:”]That is good news. You deserve it. Nonverbal: little to no active emotional expression.

(真是好消息。这是你应得的。 肢体:流露出极少的情感)[/slider]

[slider title=”积极、无助益的(active and destructive)回覆:”]That sounds like a lot of responsibility to take on. Are you going to spend even fewer nights at home now? Nonverbal: displays of negative emotions, such as furrowed brow, frowning.

(这听来责任好重大啊。你之后是不是会更少时间回家过夜? 肢体:显露出负面情绪,像是蹙额、皱眉)[/slider]

[slider title=”消极、无助益的(passive and destructive)回覆:”]What’s for dinner? Nonverbal: little to no eye contact, turning away, leaving the room.

(晚餐要吃啥? 肢体:极少目光交流,转身离去。)[/slider]

我们可以从以上例子中学到:要先有情感上的认同,再同时表现出真挚言语及肢体上的认同。 (注意:Fake it的重要性)

实用句子:I am so proud of you. / You deserve it. / I know how important this is to you.

4. 让对方感觉良好

许多研究指出:比起有能力的(competent)人,我们更爱讨喜的(likable)人。如何讨好他人呢?有研究甚至指出:不诚挚的奉承(insincere flattery)也有效!

5. 让谈话能够继续下去


回覆时多做补充并把球丢回去。顶尖科学家Finkel, Eastwick, 及Saigal建议我们:「接受」对方传过来的球,微微的调整方向,表现出温暖及诚挚感兴趣的样子再丢回去。

必备元素-兴趣(interest)、听力技巧( listening skills)、目光交流(eye contact)、热忱(enthusiasm)、 开放式问题(open-ended questions)、谦卑(humility)


1. 抛出问题来鼓励对方多谈谈自己的事(encourage someone to talk about themselves by asking questions)

2. 对广泛的话题都表露出兴趣(display an interest in a wide range of topics)

3. 安静地听、保持目光交流(listen quietly and maintain eye contact)

4. 热情回应(respond enthusiastically)

5. 藉由问5W1H的问题来鼓励更进一步的对谈(encourage further conversation by asking who, what, why, when, where, and how questions)

6. 在谈论某个议题时,别怕承认你的无知(Don’t be afaid to admit your ignorance when discussing a topic)

