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还在为英国腔所苦吗?跟着BBC Sherlock练听力!

训练英国腔听力的最好教材,莫过于英国电影和电视剧了。其中BBC出品的戏剧品质始终备受赞誉,精致的剧本内容、男帅女美的演员、再配上优雅的英国腔,让你在欣赏好戏剧的同时增强英文听力。近年最火红的BBC影集应该就是BBC Sherlock了吧!


近年最火红的BBC影集应该就是BBC Sherlock了吧!每一季只有三集,一集却长达一个半小时的新世纪福尔摩斯系列,由Benedict Cumberbatch和Martin Freeman分别饰演新一代的福尔摩斯与华生,在现代伦敦合作解决一个又一个的谜团。 BBC Sherlock吸引了众多影迷,其中Benedict Cumberbatch饰演的Sherlock有着一口迷人的英国腔,就让我们透过影片回味第二季第一集的经典片段,同时加强英国腔的听力训练吧!

I can’t take all the credit.” (00:00)

take credit for something to allow people to believe that one has done something praiseworthy, whether or not one has actually done it.


Oh, Jim Moriarty sends his love.” (00:05)

send your love to somebody also send somebody your love

还在为英国腔所苦吗?跟着BBC Sherlock练听力!

to give a message of affection from you to someone else


当然,身为福尔摩斯最强大的劲敌,Jim Moriarty所传达的”Love”带有强烈的恶趣味

Yes, he’s been in touch.” (00:07)

be in touch

to have regular communication with someone by telephone, letter etc. (usually + with )

保持联系,keep in touch (+ with somebody)是个很常使用片语

The dominatrix who brought a nation to its knees.” (00:40)

bring someone to (one’s) knees

To reduce to a position of subservience or submission.


另外,”to drop to one’s knees”就是指某人双膝跪地

You got carried away.” (00:57)

be/get carried away

to be overcome by one’s feelings. 使激动;使着迷

例句:She was/got carried away by the excitement.

carry away也可以依字面解释为「带走、拿走」

例句: Floods can carry away trees, hillsides, cars and even houses.

