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Sofia 和 Bob 正在便利商店里排队结帐……Sofia: Where is your wallet, Bob?Sofia: 你的钱包在那里呀 Bob?Bob: My smartphone is my wallet. Let me show you this app. (showing his phone to Sofia)Bob:我的智慧型手机就是我的

Sofia 和 Bob 正在便利商店里排队结帐……

Sofia: Where is your wallet, Bob?

Sofia: 你的钱包在那里呀 Bob?

Bob: My smartphone is my wallet. Let me show you this app. (showing his phone to Sofia)

Bob:我的智慧型手机就是我的钱包。我给你看这个应用程式。 (把手机秀给 Sofia 看)

Sofia: Wow, I’ve never used mobile payments before. I’ve heard that it’s getting more and more popular. What do you think are the pros and cons of mobile payments?


Bob: First of all, it’s super convenient! I don’t have to bring any cash and there’s no need for me to find an ATM to withdraw money either.

Bob:首先呢,超级方便!我不用带任何的现金,而且也没有必要找 ATM 领钱。

Sofia: That sounds nice. I’ve always found it troublesome carrying around lots of cash.


Bob: Also, banknotes and coins are covered in bacteria.




mobile payments (n.) 行动支付

mobile 在英式英文中当名词使用时意思是「行动电话」,然而在此则是当形容词时可指「行动的」,payment 则是名词,表示「付款」,因此行动支付的英文即是 mobile payment,而行动支付的定义即为利用手机作为信用卡的载具,像是 Apple Pay、Samsung Pay 就是行动支付 。本文下半段则会看到 electronic payment,意指「电子支付」,其中 electronic 为「电子的」,而电子支付则是归金管会管辖,使用者可以透过电子支付将钱转给别人,另外使用者也会有自己的帐户,可以将钱存进电子支付的帐户中,像是「街口支付」就是最经典的电子支付的例子。

Mobile payments are available in most convenience stores.


pros and cons (phr.) 优缺点

pros and cons 意指「优缺点;利弊」。这个片语源自拉丁文,pro 为拉丁文中「赞成」的意思,con 则是源自拉丁文的「反对」,其实很多单字的字首也都有 con- ,多用来指「相反;对立」,如:contrast (差异;对比)。

Bob is weighing up the pros and cons of mobile payments.

Bob 正在权衡行动支付的优缺点。

convenient (adj.) 方便的

convenient 的中文意思为「方便的;便利的」,如:convenient store (便利商店)。反义词则为 inconvenient (不方便的)。

It’s convenient to pay bills in Taiwan.


但行动支付肯定也有什么缺点吧?来听 Bob 叙述行动支付可能有哪些缺点……

Sofia: But there must still be some drawbacks of mobile payments, no?


Bob: Yes, for example, some people are afraid of using mobile payments or any other kind of electronic payment method due to the security risks.


Sofia: I can understand that.


Bob: Yeah, and people are worried about what would happen if their smartphone was stolen. Besides, mobile payments might not work properly if you have a poor network connection.


Sofia: Hey, it’s your turn to pay! 


Bob: (going to the counter) You see, another benefit of mobile payments is that it’s faster to check out your items! (showing his barcode for payment)

Bob:(走向柜台) 你看,行动支付还有一个优点,那就是结账起来比较快! (出示付款条码)

整体而言,行动支付的优点还是多于缺点。想必 Sofia 听了也想用看看!

security risk (n.) 安全风险

security 为名词,意指「安全保障」,risk 在此也是名词,表「风险」。补充:security 亦可用来指「保全人员」。

Tommy’s bank uses two-step verification to reduce the security risks when processing online payments.

Tommy 为了降低线上支付的安全风险,Tommy 使用两阶段验证。

network connection (n.) 网路连线

connection 意指「连结;连线」,network connection 为「网路连线」,而网路连线「很糟」则可用 poor 来形容,网路连线「很慢」则可以用 slow 来表示。

The network connection in basements tends to be poor.


check out (phr.) 结帐

check out 为一个动词片语,在本文中的意思为「结帐」。除此之外,check out 亦可用来指「退房」。

The clerk is responsible for helping customers in the supermarket check out their items.


Tommy had to check out of his room before noon.

Tommy 在中午前办理退房。

barcode (n.) 条码

条码的形状会一条一条柱状的线条组合而成,因此其英文为 barcode (或可写作 bar code),也就是 bar (条状物) + code (密码;代码) 所组成,这样是不是很好记呢?补充:QR code 则是二维条码的一种。

You have to show your barcode so the clerk can scan it and check out your groceries.


