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「皮肤白」的英文不是用 white! ?聊聊东西方对肤色的观念差异

Sofia 和她的好朋友 Fae 一个暑假没见,没想到 Fae 看起来简直像变了个人!Fae: Sofia! How was your summer vacation?Fae:Sofia!你暑假过得如何?Sofia: Yeah it was great. Wow! Look at you! You look so different.Sofia:很棒啊,

Sofia 和她的好朋友 Fae 一个暑假没见,没想到 Fae 看起来简直像变了个人!

Fae: Sofia! How was your summer vacation?


Sofia: Yeah it was great. Wow! Look at you! You look so different.


Fae: You mean my skin tone? (smiling)

Fae:你是指我的肤色吗? (微笑)

Sofia: Yeah, you got tanned!


Fae: That’s because I’ve been in Kenting this whole summer. The beach there is amazing.


Sofia: You must have done lots of sunbathing.


Fae: Hence my beautiful skin tone!


skin tone (n.) 肤色

skin 为名词,表示「皮肤」,而 tone 意指「色调」,因此 skin tone 意思就是皮肤色调,也就是「肤色」。

Fae’s skin tone changed completely after a summer in the tropics.

去热带国家过了一个夏天,Fae 的肤色整个都不一样了。

小 V 猜想你一定会想到 skin color 这个字。 color 意指「颜色」,然而 skin color 指的其实是黄种人、白人、黑人等等不同的「人种肤色」,而不是本文指的「皮肤色调」skin tone。

「皮肤白」的英文不是用 white! ?聊聊东西方对肤色的观念差异

No matter what skin color, all humans deserve to be treated with respect.


tan (v.) 晒黑

tan 这个字有多种词性,在本文中,tan 当做动词,表示「晒黑」,你可以用 sb. tanned 或是 sb. got tanned 来表示「晒黑了」。

Fae tanned well in Kenting.

Fae 在垦丁晒黑了。

而在下一则对话里,你也会见到 tan 被拿来当名词使用,意思是「晒成棕褐色的皮肤」,可以用来指「小麦色肌肤」,为可数名词。

Fae came back from Kenting with a tan.

Fae 从垦丁回来,一身小麦色的肌肤。

sunbathe (v.) 晒日光浴 

sunbathe 为动词,指「晒日光浴」,这个字拆开来看就是 sun (太阳) 和 bathe (沐浴),是不是很好记呢?

Fae loves to sunbathe on the beach.

Fae 喜欢在海边做日光浴。

Fae has been sunbathing on the beach for an hour.

Fae 已经在海滩上晒了一个小时的日光浴。

Sofia 不禁注意到自己的肤色和 Fae 的有多不一样。

Sofia: You’ve made me notice my own skin tone, which seems… pretty pale.

Sofia:你让我注意到自己的肤色,看起来… 好苍白哦。

Fae: Pale? No way! Your skin is just fair! Fair and flawless!


Sofia: I suppose it’s because I’ve been binge watching TV and reading comic books all  summer. The UV rays never had a chance!


Fae: Hahaha. Don’t you worry about it. People mostly prefer fair skin in Taiwan anyways.


Sofia: On the other hand, Western people prefer a deep tan.


Fae: Yeah, in the end though, what matters most is how you define beauty!


Fae 说得对!尽管东方审美提倡肤色白皙,西方提倡小麦色皮肤,最终还是由我们自己来定义自己的美!


fair (adj.) 白皙的

「皮肤白」绝对不是用 white 来形容,否则会让人觉得白得像一张纸一样!形容皮肤「白皙」可以用 fair,然而文中 Sofia 说的 pale 则是指「惨白的;无血色的」,多半用来形容气色不好。那么若要形容皮肤颜色深,则可以用 dark,注意如果用 black,则是指黑人人种,使用上千万要特别注意!

My mom works very hard to maintain her fair skin.


The patient looked very pale.


prefer (v.) 偏好

prefer 的中文是「偏好;偏爱」,例如:prefer A to B (比起 B,偏好 A)。

I prefer juice to coffee.


define (v.) 定义

define 为动词,表示「定义;解释」,其名词形为 definition,表示「定义」。

Should you have any problem defining a word, you should look up its definition in a dictionary.


