Henry 终于鼓起勇气告白,结果却不尽人意…
Bob: What’s the matter, Henry? Why the long face?
Henry: (Deep sigh) I went to tell Katy that I liked her and asked her to be my girlfriend, but… I was friend-zoned…
Henry:(深深叹口气) 我去跟 Katy 告白了,跟她说我喜欢她然后请她当我的女友,但…我被发好人卡了…
Bob: Oh, no…
Henry: I’ve never had a romantic relationship, and I just want to have a girlfriend so badly.
Bob: I get you, bro, I’ve been single since birth as well.
Henry: Why is it so hard to have somebody love you back…
Bob: I suppose you just haven’t met the right person yet.
Henry: Possibly… but, you know, being single is tiring…
Why the long face? 怎么一脸闷闷不乐?
long face 直接翻译是指「长长的脸」,不开心的时候脸都会拉得长长的,因此延伸为「闷闷不乐、不开心的样子」,也就是「板着一张脸」。 Why the long face? 则是 Why do you have a long face? 的简短说法。
Why the long face? Did you step on a dog poop on your way here?
A horse walked into a bar and the barman asked him: “why the long face?”
friend-zone (v.) 发好人卡
zone 的中文为「区域」,friend zone 直翻即是「朋友区」的意思,这个字也可以当动词,写作 friend-zone,意思是「发好人卡」,后面可直接接被发卡的对象。
Katy: Henry must be upset today, I just friend-zoned him.
Katy:Henry 今天一定会很沮丧,我刚刚给他发了好人卡。
Henry is deep in the friend zone; Katy said she sees him “like a sister.”
Henry 深陷朋友区,Katty 说她把他当「好姊妹」。
have been single since birth 母胎单身
single 意指「单身的」,birth 的中文则是「出生」,have/has been single since birth 的中文为「出生以来一直是单身」,意思等同「母胎单身」,注意这边使用到的句型为现在完成式。
Bob: I can’t give any romantic advice to any of my friends. I’ve been single since birth!
单身的困扰究竟有哪些?听 Henry 娓娓道来…
Henry: Whenever I walk on the street, I see heavy PDA wherever I look.
Bob: (shiver) Those lovey-dovey couples.
Bob:(颤抖) 那些恶心得要死的情侣。
Henry: Yeah, you know what I mean. Why on earth do they have to stand in the middle of the street or in front of the MRT entrance kissing and hugging!?
Henry:是啊,你知道我在说什么。到底为什么他们就是要站在路中央或是挡在捷运入口亲亲抱抱! ?
Bob: Sometimes I have an urge to walk straight through the couple and split them apart…
Henry: So do I.
Bob: They’re like a statues, rooted there on the sidewalk.
Henry: Exactly! I would never do that with my girlfriend in the future. (Henry sighs, remembering he is undateable). When will my dream girl show up?
Henry:没错!我未来肯定不会和我女友那样做。 ( Henry 叹了口气,发现他根本不懂约会) 我的真命天女何时才会出现?
Bob: I have an idea.
Henry: What?
Bob: Why not try and find a boyfriend instead? Say… your good friend Bob!
Bob:既然交不到女友,何不交个男友呢?像是…你的好朋友 Bob 呀!
哈哈哈哈哈哈 Bob 很会,不过还是先来学相关单字吧!
PDA (n.) 放闪
PDA 的全名为 public display of affection,直翻中文意思为「公众展示爱慕之情」,也就是「晒恩爱,放闪」。
I feel like I’m constantly reminded of my loneliness. I see PDA everywhere. Sometimes, I wish I was blind.
lovey-dovey (adj.) 卿卿我我的
lovey-dovey /ˌlʌviˈdʌvi/ 为形容词,意思是「卿卿我我的;过分热情的」,很适合用来形容那种「甜腻到不行的」情侣。
Oh! Quit with that lovey-dovey behavior! Get out of my sight, please!
dream girl (n.) 真命天女
dream girl 直翻中文为「梦中的女孩」,也就是「真命天女」。 「真命天子」则是 Mr. Right。
I believe Jimmy is my Mr. Right! Look at the huge diamond he gave me!
我相信 Jimmy 就是我的真命天子!看看他给我的巨大钻石!