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看完电影只会说 “It was interesting.”?教你如何用英文发表个人感想!

tear-jerker (n.)或写成 tearjerker,指「赚人热泪的人事物」,感人的电影、小说、故事、景象等都可以使用这个词来形容喔! tear-jerker 前面常常加 real,有强调的意味。 tear-jerker 是一个复合名词,由 tear 和 jerker 组成,jerk 是

tear-jerker (n.)

或写成 tearjerker,指「赚人热泪的人事物」,感人的电影、小说、故事、景象等都可以使用这个词来形容喔! tear-jerker 前面常常加 real,有强调的意味。 tear-jerker 是一个复合名词,由 tear 和 jerker 组成,jerk 是「猛地一扯」的意思,「将眼泪拉出眼睛」就引申为「感人」之意。 tear-jerker 这个字在 1911 年第一次出现,用来形容报纸刊登的悲剧报导。

I haven’t cried in ages, but that novel was a real tear-jerker!


slow-moving (adj.)


I dozed off during the movie since the plot was so slow-moving.


let-down (n.)

指「令人失望的事物」。 let-down 是从片语 let sb. down 转变而来,即「让某人失望」的意思。

 看完电影只会说 “It was interesting.”?教你如何用英文发表个人感想!

She thought that the Harry Potter spin-off movie was kind of a let-down.


over the top (adj.)

指「剧情不切实际、太夸张」的意思,同样不只用来形容电影,小说、影集等有故事性的作品都可以使用。最早出现在第一次世界大战,当时 over the top 是英国人用来形容步兵从战壕中窜出,而准备攻击敌人的景象,现今的延伸义则是从 1935 年开始使用。

The special effects in the action movie were way over the top. I don’t think swinging from one building to another is very realistic.


hilarious (adj.)

指「令人捧腹大笑的」,比 funny 的层次再高一点,有种 LMAO (laughing my ass off) 的感觉,若是说自己笑到翻过去,就可以说 I laughed my head off。 hilarious 用法很广,人事物都可以用这个字。通常 hilarious 会用来形容喜剧片 (comedies),不过越来越多电影会在严肃的气氛里穿插搞笑的梗,这些片段可以说是 hilarious moments。

A: Do you wanna see the latest Deadpool movie?

A: 你想看最新的《死侍》电影吗?

B: I wouldn’t miss it for the world! I hope the sequel will be just as hilarious as the first one.

B: 我绝对不想错过!只希望续集和第一集一样好笑。

hard to follow (adj.)


A: I recommend you watch the movie Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. The acting and editing couldn’t be any more perfect!

A: 我推荐你去看《谍影行动》,演技和剪辑真心超赞!

B: I’ve seen it before, but I can’t decide whether or not I liked it because the plot was so hard to follow.

B: 我看过了啦,但我不确定自己到底喜不喜欢,因为剧情好难懂啊!

be on the edge of one’s seat (adj.)


It was so scary! I was on the edge of my seat for the whole thing.


