第一部要介绍的电影,当然是「哈利波特」系列的第一集啦!怎么可以不爱!不论是一开始哈利和荣恩闯不过去九又四分之三月台 (Platform 9 ¾) 而摔得四脚朝天、海格陪哈利到斜角巷 (Diagon Alley) 购买魔仗和猫头鹰嘿美、全体学生在开学宴会上根据分类帽 (Sorting Hat) 进入所属学院、城堡里不停移动的楼梯和会说话的肖像图、哈利惊险取得金探子 (Golden Snitch) 赢得魁地奇比赛,这些情节太经典了,每次看还是觉得不可思议! (自从看了哈利波特之后,每次任何变装都一定要扮巫师当妙丽!而且偶尔还会想说如果妙丽是主角的话会怎么样呢?)
Hermione: “Now if you two don’t mind, I’m going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed – or worse, expelled.”
Ron: “She needs to sort out her priorities!”
come up with (针对问题) 想出
He has been stressful stressed since last night because he couldn’t come up with any ideas for his proposal.
expel 驱逐、开除
The student who bullied his classmates was expelled from school.
sort out someone’s priorities 分清楚轻重缓急、决定优先顺序
Try to sort out your priorities. Which one is more important to you: buying a new scooter or saving the money to buy a car?
Dumbledore: “It does not do to dwell on dreams, Harry, and forget to live.”
dwell 居住
I’ve been dwelling in Taipei for 20 years, so I’m familiar with the city.
我已经在台北住了 20 年了,所以对这个城市非常熟悉。
dwell on 老是想着、缅怀
You should move on rather than keep dwelling on your previous relationship.
Dumbledore: ”It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends.”
a great/good deal of 许多的、大量的 (+不可数名词)
My mother doesn’t wear makeup often, but she still spends a great deal of money on cosmetics every month.
a great number of 许多的、大量的 (+可数名词)
There are a great number of comic books in the library which really attract children.
stand up to someone 勇敢抵抗、反抗某人
The workers stood up to the union, protesting the long working hours.
Mean Girls 辣妹过招
说到这部,也超常在电影台重播的,绝对是每个女生心目中印象深刻的青春校园片之一 (小 V 以前都问在国外读书的朋友,学校是不是也有这种由金发 Regina 主导的、走路有风的小圈圈), 看四个女生互相勾心斗角,表面上笑笑但私底下都在说对方坏话,很多情节非常搞笑,同时也蛮真实,不同时期看这部片都有不一样的感触!另外,大家知道其实饰演 Cady 的琳赛萝涵和饰演 Karen 的亚曼达赛弗瑞都想演高傲的女王 Regina,而饰演 Regina 的瑞秋麦亚当斯一开始想演的是 Cady 吗?不过最后的定角每个人都太适合自己那个角色了,Regina 讲话真的是让人恨得牙痒痒的!
剧中的 Gretchen 一直说的 so fetch,其实是她自己想带起潮流的俚语,这里的 fetch 和 cool 或 awesome 的意思相同,就是「很酷」。
Gretchen: “That is so fetch!”
Regina: ‘Gretchen, stop trying to make fetch happen! It’s not going to happen!”
蕾吉娜:「葛蕾琴,别再以为 fetch 能引起潮流,它永远不会发生的!」
(v.) 拿来
My mother asked me to fetch a glass of water for the guest.
(v.) 接…过来
I fetched my sister from the airport last night.
(v.) 卖得…多少钱
I was so surprised that the second-hand backpack could still fetch over NT$1000.
我好惊讶这个二手背包还能卖超过台币 1000 元。
Cady: “Calling somebody else fat won’t make you any skinnier. Calling someone stupid doesn’t make you any smarter. And ruining Regina George’s life definitely didn’t make me any happier. All you can do in life is try to solve the problem in front of you.”
凯蒂:「说别人胖,不会让你更苗条。说别人笨,自己也不会更聪明。摧毁 Regina George 的人生,也没有让我更快乐。你所能做的是试着解决你面前的问题。」
除了 thin 跟 skinny,还能用这些单字形容身材:
petite 娇小的
slim/slender 苗条纤细的
lean 瘦且健康的 (有肌肉线条)
lanky 瘦高的
Asan: “To the glistening eastern sea, I give you Queen Lucy the Valiant. To the great western wood, King Edmund the Just. To the radiant southern sun, Queen Susan the Gentle. And to the clear northern sky, I give you King Peter the Magnificent.”
glisten (v.) 闪耀、反光
glistening (adj.) 闪亮的
It’s really cozy and relaxing to picnic by the lush green meadow and the glistening lake.
valiant 英勇的
The man made a valiant attempt to save the kid who fell into the river.
radiant 耀眼的、光芒四射的
The radiant sun shined into the forest, making the scenery even more astounding.
High School Musical 歌舞青春
完全是青春的代名词啊这部电影!不敢相信居然已经 11 年了!超向往东高中 (East High School) 的生活,有派对、音乐剧、篮球赛等的校园活动,看 Troy 和 Grabiella 勇敢追逐梦想的冲劲和互相支持鼓励的甜蜜模样,而让这系列电影部部卖座的原因还有超好听的歌曲,每首都琅琅上口,一听到就能马上想到电影的那个场景,回忆真的是一秒涌现啊!像这首 We’re all in this together 绝对是在电视前一起跟着跳的!
Gabriella: “Remember in kindergarten how you’d meet a kid and know nothing about them, then 10 seconds later you’re playing like you’re best friends, because you didn’t have to be anything but yourself?”
Troy: “Yeah.”
Gabrilla: “Singing with you felt like that.”
凯碧欧拉:「还记得幼稚园的时候吗?见到一个小朋友,你也不认识他,但 10 秒以后,你们就像好朋友一样地玩了。因为你只需要做你自己。」
有关「回忆」、「回想」的动词除了 remember 之外,还可以用:
recollect 回忆、记起 (recollect 之后要接动名词 V-ing)
He really had a poor memory because he couldn’t recollect any name of his senior high school class mates.
recall 回想、记得 (recall 之后要接动名词 V-ing)
I recalled running across my teacher on the street last month.
look back 回顾
Whenever I look back on my childhood, I always think of my kindergarten teacher, Amy.
每当回忆起童年时,总会想起我的幼稚园老师 Amy。
to remind somebody of something 让某人想起某事
This park reminded me of my ex-boyfriend because it was the place where we met each other the first time.