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一球冰淇淋?一份炸鸡?一阵风? 40 组使用频率百分百的英文量词大集合

食物a bowl of rice 一碗饭a scoop of ice cream 一球冰淇淋a head of lettuce 一颗生菜a piece of cake 一块蛋糕a loaf of bread 一条面包a slice of pizza 一小片披萨a serving of fried chicken 一份炸鸡a clove of garlic 一瓣大蒜Ad


a bowl of rice 一碗饭

a scoop of ice cream 一球冰淇淋

a head of lettuce 一颗生菜

a piece of cake 一块蛋糕

a loaf of bread 一条面包

a slice of pizza 一小片披萨

a serving of fried chicken 一份炸鸡

a clove of garlic 一瓣大蒜

Add two cloves of garlic before you fry the cabbage.


a pack of gum 一包口香糖

a jar of honey 一罐蜂蜜

a stick of butter 一条奶油

Top the grilled chicken with a stick of butter.


a tin of tomatoes 一罐番茄

A tin of tomatoes will add a lot of flavor to the soup.


a bag/packet of chips 一包洋芋片

a cube of butter 一小块奶油

a bar of chocolate 一块巧克力

a square of chocolate 一块巧克力

a box of chocolates 一盒巧克力

依照形状和包装来分,光是巧克力的量词就有好多种了!而说到 a box of chocolate,怎么能不提到影史最经典的《阿甘正传》呢?

一球冰淇淋?一份炸鸡?一阵风? 40 组使用频率百分百的英文量词大集合


a bottle of water 一瓶水

a glass of wine 一杯酒

a can of coke 一罐可乐

a pack of beer 一手啤酒

Albert bought a pack of beer, knowing it would be a tough night.


a pint of beer 一品脱的啤酒

a carton of juice 一盒果汁

a liter of milk 一公升的牛奶

别人点饮料的一定看起来比较好喝?跟好兄弟或是好闺蜜出游一定要交换喝一口啊!这时候你就可以用到 have a sip 这个片语啰~除了互相分享食物,还有什么英文是吃东西会用到的呢?


a pack of cigarettes 一盒香烟

a box set of books 一套书

a piece of furniture 一件家具

The small apartment was crowded with pieces of furniture.


a barrel of oil 一桶油

a blade of grass 一根草

a nugget of gold 一块黄金

a round of applause 一片掌声

常常在听 TED 演讲或是名人毕业演讲的人一定知道,a round of applause 这个片语超常用,可以直接当作固定的用法背起来了。如果觉得场面有点冷、想和台下观众互动一下的话,随时把片语拿出来好好运用一下哦!

a gust of wind 一阵风

a fit of laughter 一阵笑声

His extraordinary story had those children in fits of laughter.


a sip of water 一口水

He took a long sip of his drink and finally signed the contract.


a tank of petrol 一箱汽油

a tube of toothpaste 一条牙膏

a bar of soap 一块肥皂

a dash/pinch of salt 一点盐巴

a ball of clay 一团黏土

a darker shade of red 更深的红色

After being humiliated in front of tons of people, his face turned a darker shade of red upon seeing that his crush was also in the crowd.


