虽然「我不知道」只是仅仅四个中文字,但如果只会说 I don’t know 的话是绝对不够的,因为在不同场合、不同情绪的情况下用法会不一样!这次文章将分成通用篇、组员讨论篇、生活回话篇、老板老师回答篇来介绍,一起来挑战看看你会几种「我不知道」的说法吧!
1. I don’t know.
2. I’m not sure.
3. I have no idea.
(感觉上会比 I don’t know 更强烈一点)
4. I haven’t a clue.
5. I haven’t got a clue.
A: Excuse me, do you know when the bus will come?
B: Oh, I haven’t got a clue. I’m a foreigner, too.
6. I haven’t the faintest idea.
7. I haven’t got the faintest idea.
I don’t know 其实有更多你不知道的用法!
虽然单回 I don’t know. 很枯燥乏味,但是只要在后面加上一个小子句,感觉就不一样!除了能表达更准确的意思之外,还能随着后面子句的变化去形容不同的人/事/时/地/物喔。快来看看国外老师怎么说!
被问到不会的东西,如果只回 I don’t know 的话,很容易让人觉得你没耐心、不礼貌(但是人家刚好就只会说 I don’t know 而已嘛不然是要怎样…哭哭)这样真的超 NG !为了不让对方误解你的意思,就要学会下面这些代替语句,因为有加上 find out、check on sth. 等等动作,承诺了你待会会补做的事情,不但会让你听起来诚意满分,还能好感度 up up !
1. Let me check on that.
2. I’ll get back to you on that one.
3. I’ll find out and let you know.
4. Let me find out for you.
5. I’ll double check and let you know.
6. That’s a really good question. Let me check on that.
7. That’s a really good question. I’ll find out.
8. I haven’t looked at that yet.
A: Hey, could you tell me how to write this homework?
B: I haven’t look at that yet, but I’ll finish it by Monday.
觉得抱歉的时候都会说 sorry ,但你真的念对了吗?
9. That requires a bit more research first.
10. I’m going to investigate that further.
11. I’m not 100% sure on that.
12. I can find out for you.
13. Let me look that up for you.
14. I don’t have that information here right now.
15. There are several possible answers, I’ll need more information first.
16. That’s something I want you to find out for yourself!
1. What do YOU think?
2. What do you suggest?
3. How should I know?
4. Don’t ask me.
5. Search me.
6. Who knows?
7. It’s anyone’s guess.
A: Do you know when humans would extinct?
B: It’s anyone’s guess.
有人跟小编一样都是汉堡迷吗? !每次大口咬下的时候都会觉得好幸福,但是酱汁常常会沾满手…原来拿汉堡是有撇步的!影片里分享了10个超实用的生活小知识,好多都是以前不知道的技巧,之前真的好傻好天真啊。
8. Your guess is as good as mine.
9. Not as far as I know.
10. I’ve been wondering the same thing!
11. I haven’t had time to think that through yet.
12. It beats me.
Why did she say that to me? It beats me.