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在选择工作时,很多人会想进入外企。但想胜任外企的工作,却不是一件容易的事。除了语言,还有文化、人际关系等多方面的挑战。那有没有什么好的方法可以快速融入呢?这里有几个tips,说不定对你有帮助哦!TIP1 Cultural Differences方法1






TIP1 Cultural Differences

方法1 注意文化差异

Be aware of cultural differences between Chinese and other nationalities. You can get a quick guide of these differences by looking up the person's nation on the internet to avoid common stereotypes in the workplace.



TIP2 Leadership Differences

方法2 了解你的老板

If you'd like to learn more about the differences between Chinese leadership style and other nationalities'. You can read the G.L.O.B.E. (Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness) Study as it indicates the differences in a scoring system. Reading it can be a challenge at first, but it will be quite useful once you understand it.

如果你想了解更具体的关于领导风格的文化差异,可以去查找关于 "GLOBE"《全球领导和组织行为的有效性》的研究,看看不同民族文化维度之间的差异性。阅读这份报告可能会有一定的挑战,但如果你可以"吃透"它,那会对你在跨国公司的工作非常有帮助!

TIP3 Listening Difficulties

方法3 千万别听不懂!

If you are having a hard time understanding a conversation, you can simply ask the speaker to speak slower or repeat what he / she just said politely. If it happens at a meeting or when interruption is not allowed, you should read the meeting agenda first and take notes of important keywords for asking questions later. If you can get the permission, you can always record the conversation on the phone for later reference.


TIP4 Speak confidently

方法4 自信开口

If you find pronunciation is difficult, a useful tip is to observe the mouth movements of the speaker carefully. Sometimes it is all about how you place your lips and tongue. Next tip is to speak confidently. When you are confident, you are more likely to articulate each word. People are more likely to understand you. Last but not least, you should practice, practice and practice.


