
三男子轮流殴打一少年嫌犯被抓周一,北京警方局部了殴打一少年的三男子。三男子轮流殴打一少年的视频一开始出现在社交媒体上,视频显示一少年被三名光背男子轮流殴打。BEIJING - Beijing police on Monday detained three young men susp



BEIJING - Beijing police on Monday detained three young men suspected of an assault on a teenager that spread outrage on the Internet, when a clip of the beating was circulated.

The video, first posted on social media on Saturday, showed a teenager beaten in turn by three young men who are bare-chested. The anger on Sina Weibo was not long in coming, with many demanding the police bring the assailants into justice.

Beijing police found the boy, Xiaodong (alias), and the person who made the video, on Sunday afternoon in Chaoyang District, but the three young men were long gone. One of them, Guo, 15, gave himself up to police early on Monday. Police then tracked down the other two in neighboring Hebei Province.

The trio have all confessed to beating "Xiaodong" on Friday.

"Xiaodong" is in a local hospital for treatment, and in a stable condition.

The investigation continues.

