黑龙江快餐店爆炸 两警察受伤

黑龙江快餐店爆炸 两警察受伤周日,黑龙江一快餐店发生爆炸,当地政府说。爆炸事故于早上9:34发生在安达市德克士餐厅,两警察受轻伤。HARBIN - An explosion ripped through a fast food restaurant in Northeast China's Heilongjiang

黑龙江快餐店爆炸 两警察受伤


HARBIN - An explosion ripped through a fast food restaurant in Northeast China's Heilongjiang province on Sunday, local authorities said.

The incident happened at 9:34 am at a Dicos restaurant in Anda city. Two policemen were slightly injured by the blast, according to the publicity department of the city.

The injured have been sent to hospital.

