
湖南农民PS官员艳照敲诈勒索被判刑湖南娄底一男子用photoshop合成官员艳照勒索官员被判入狱12年,罚款50万。Doctored sex photos of officials put man in jailA farmer in Loudi city of Hunan province who doctored pornographic pict



Doctored sex photos of officials put man in jail

A farmer in Loudi city of Hunan province who doctored pornographic pictures using Photoshop to extort officials was sentenced to 12 years in prison and given a 500,000 yuan fine, Hunan news website rednet.cn reported Friday.

The suspect,surnamed Li, used the software to splice pornographic photos with pictures of officials that he found online, and sent the printed pictures in letters to officials in Hunan, Guangdong and Hubei provinces. He had received 450,200 yuan out of a total of 4.24 million yuan he attempted to extort, and police found letters that had not been sent, seeking to extort another 4.2 million. He illegally bought 34 fake IDs and opened 23 bank accounts to receive the extortion money.

