
广西吃野草抓鱼孤儿获赠500万 亲戚:不会滥用善款一名独自在边远山区生活了六年的14岁少年少年获捐赠500万,其亲戚表示不会滥用善款,并请公众监督。这名14岁少年名叫杨六斤,出生于广西的一个小镇上,八岁时父亲去世,母亲改嫁,祖父母

广西吃野草抓鱼孤儿获赠500万 亲戚:不会滥用善款


Donors raise 5 million yuan for deserted boy

The cousin and current guardian of a 14-year-old boy who had lived alone for six years in a remote mountainous area, said he will not misuse the five million yuan ($ 800,500) donated to the boy and has invited the public to oversee expenditure, CCTV reported.

Yang Liujin, from a small town in Baise city, South China\'s Guangxi province, has lived alone since the age of eight after his father died, his mother remarried and left him and his grandparents died. He dug wild vegetables and caught fish to feed himself.

Guangxi TV aired his story last month and philanthropic donations poured in.

