
福建10岁神童高考分数超一本线68分今年福建福州一名10岁男童参加了高考,分数比一本线高出68分,东南快报周一报道。A 10-year-old Fuzhou boy took the National Entrance Examination, akagaokao this year and received an impressive



A 10-year-old Fuzhou boy took the National Entrance Examination, aka gaokao this year and received an impressive mark, 68 points higher than the minimum score of key universities' admissions in Fujian, reported Southeast Express on Monday.

The boy, Leng Ran, has always shown great intelligence and a strong passion for knowledge. He spent three years completing six-year's of primary school courses and it only took him one year to finish his junior high school studies. He sat for the gaokao so he could enter the Special Class for Gifted Youth at the University of Science and Technology of China.

