
夺刀少年被江西高校录取夺刀少年柳艳兵、易政勇分别被南昌大学和江西财经大学录取了。两所学校都将对柳艳兵、易政勇两位考生给予免除学杂费等一系列照顾措施。Heroic students gain university placesStudent heroes Liu Yanbing and Zhe



Heroic students gain university places

Student heroes Liu Yanbing and Zheng Yiyong have been admitted by Nanchang University and Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics respectively, according to Beijing News.

Both universities have agreed to waive tuition fees and living expenses. The universities were chosen after discussions between the Jiangxi Recruitment Office, the candidates and their parents, taking into account their preferences and final marks.

The pair were seriously injured while protecting other passengers on a bus from a knife-wielding assailant and unable to attend the college entrance examination last month.

