
寻仇电话诈骗团伙18人被刑拘怀柔区警方侦破了一起诈骗案,诈骗金额达30万,18涉案嫌犯被抓。这些人购买他人信息后,编造你得罪了人,有人雇我们报复的谎言进行威胁,已被核实的案件达到60多起。Criminals fleece 'revenge' victimsPolice



Criminals fleece 'revenge' victims

Police officers in Huairou district have cracked a fraud case involving 300,000 yuan ($48,372), with 18 suspects arrested, according to The Beijing News on Wednesday.

The alleged criminals cheated people by convincing them that they were targets of revenge attacks and the only way to stop these attacks was to transfer money to their accounts. According to police, these suspects were making 100 phone calls per day from some secluded place.

With Beijing, Hebei and Shandong their main target, the alleged criminals kept receiving money from their victims for a year. In one case, 50,000 yuan was transferred by just one person.

