双语新闻:iPhone 7预计明年秋季发布

Its been less than three months since Apple unveiled its iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, but rumours suggest the firm is gearing up for its next release already.虽然iPhone 6和6 Plus发布至今还不满3个月,近日有传闻指出,苹果公司已经

It’s been less than three months since Apple unveiled its iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, but rumours suggest the firm is gearing up for its next release already.

虽然iPhone 6和6 Plus发布至今还不满3个月,近日有传闻指出,苹果公司已经在着手准备下一代iPhone产品了。

Reports say Apple may hold two iPhone launch events next year, to release its iPhone 6S in spring, and its iPhone 7 in September.

报道称,苹果公司将于明年举办两场iPhone新品发布会,春季将推出iPhone 6s,秋季则将发布iPhone7。

The iPhone 6S may even go on sale at the same time as Apple’s upcoming Watch.

据悉,iPhone 6S或将与即将推出的新版Watch同时开卖。

The claims were made by ‘sources in the supply chain’ to Jerry Miller from Stabley Times.

据外媒Stabley Times的记者杰里·米勒报道,这是从供应链方面得到的消息。

Until 2013, Apple released one handset each year around September time.


This included a new model one year, followed by a slightly modified 'S-version' the year after.


Last year, however, it used its September launch event to announce two new devices - its flagship iPhone 5S and the ‘cheaper’ iPhone 5C.

但去年,在9月的发布会上,苹果公司一举推出了两款新设备:旗舰版iPhone 5S和价格相对便宜的iPhone 5C。

This was followed by the launch of its iPhone 6 and larger iPhone 6 Plus this year.

而这一变化在2014年得到了延续。在今年的iPhone新品发布会上,苹果推出了iPhone 6和更大的6 Plus。

The new schedule is expected to stagger the releases of two devices in 2015 to capitalise on sales.


Apple could release the iPhone 6S to people who want to upgrade to a slightly cheaper model, before announcing its flagship iPhone 7 in the autumn.

在明年秋季推出旗舰款iPhone 7前,苹果公司会先发布iPhone 6S,其用户群是那些想换一部稍微便宜些手机的用户。

The 6S may also be packaged together with the Apple Watch.

iPhone 6S也可能和Apple Watch打包销售。

‘Our source says that Apple is hesitant about launching the iWatch in the spring of 2015 without a new iPhone to go along with it,’ explained Mr Miller. [This] could give hesitant consumers an excuse to wait on buying both until the fall.’


The news comes as manufacturers revealed Apple has plans to kill off its iPhone 5C as early as next summer.

与此同时,一些制造商透露,苹果公司计划最早于明年夏天停产iPhone 5C。

双语新闻:iPhone 7预计明年秋季发布

Launching a phone in spring would mean there was still the same number of handsets in the range once the iPhone 5C was discontinued.

而iPhone 5C一旦停产,在春季发布新品就意味着iPhone系列中手机的数量仍保持不变。

The report, by Taiwan's Industrial and Commercial times, did not reveal the reasons behind the plans, but Apple has previously been known to discontinue models as they are replaced by newer versions.

台湾《工商时报》(Industrial and Commercial times)的报道虽未透露停产iPhone 5C的原因,但苹果公司历来都有发布新品以后就停产老款的惯例。

Sales of the 5C were also poor, compared to the company's expectations, and in January, research firm CIRP reports the model accounted for just 27 per cent of iPhone sales at the end of 2013. Apple launched its iPhone 5C alongside the high-end iPhone 5S in September 2013.

和苹果公司的销售预期相比,5C的销量十分黯淡。今年1月,国际生产工程学会(CIRP)报道称,截至2013年底,5C的销量仅占iPhone系列产品总销量的27%。 2013年9月,苹果公司在发布高端款iPhone 5S之际推出了iPhone 5C。

It is similar in size to the 5S, but doesn't t have the Touch ID fingerprint scanner or the A7 processor seen in the more expensive model.


It has a plastic case, is available in five different colours, and at launch, prices started at $99 in the US, on a two-year contract, or $549 and £469 when bought outright.


The device was also the first Apple phone to be offered in the smaller 8GB model.


Apple also recently killed off its iPod Classic.

苹果公司近期还停产了iPod Classic(苹果的一款mp3产品)。

When Apple’s online store came back online following its iPhone 6 event in September, this later model was missing from the iPod lineup.

在9月份的新品发布会之后,iPod Classic就从苹果网上商店的iPod系列产品中悄然下线。

Apple did not make any formal announcement about ceasing the line at the time.


Apple boss Tim Cook later said the firm could have redesigned the gadget with different parts, but it wouldn't have been cost-effective and would have involved a 'massive' task.


'We couldn't get the parts anymore, not anywhere on Earth,' explained Mr Cook.


'It wasn't a matter of me swinging the axe, saying "What can I kill today?"


The Classic was the Apple’s first digital music player, and although the original debuted in 2001, there were six generations released up until 2007.

iPod Classic是苹果第一代数码音乐播放器,自从2001年问世至2007年,已先后发布了6代。

Apple is said to be forsaking its iPhone 5C to focus on production of its high-end iPhone 6 range.

据称苹果公司停产iPhone 5C是为了更加专注于生产高端的iPhone 6系列。

