
马来西亚将于下周公布失联马航初步调查报告马航MH370已经失踪50天了,美国金枪鱼也搜索了95%的海域,未发现任何线索。马来西亚将于下周公布初步调查报告。Its been 50 days since Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 vanished with 239 pass



It’s been 50 days since Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 vanished with 239 passengers on board on March the 8th. The seabed search is set to widen as a sonar scan of the most likely crash site, deep beneath the Indian Ocean nears completion.

Australian authorities say that the submersible Bluefin-21, has searched almost 95-percent of the underwater core zone so far, but found nothing of interest. Eight military planes and 10 ships were deployed in Friday’s search. The search area has been narrowed down to a circle 49,000 square kilometers in size, with the center of the search located around 1,500 kilometres Northwest of Perth.

Authorities say even if no contacts of interest are made in the coming days, Bluefin-21 will continue to examine the areas adjacent to the target search area. Malaysia is expected to release a preliminary investigation report on the plane’s disappearance to the public next week.

