
美国支持日本行使集体自卫权引发抗议美国总统奥巴马声言支持日本行使集体自卫权, 韩国民众涌向大街抗议。South Koreans have taken to the streets to protest US President Barack Obamas support of Japans assertion of the right to


美国总统奥巴马声言支持日本行使集体自卫权, 韩国民众涌向大街抗议。

South Koreans have taken to the streets to protest US President Barack Obama’s support of Japan’s assertion of the right to collective self-defense.

Protesters in Seoul also urged the leaders of the US and South Korea to reach a consensus on the resumption of stalled six-party talks on the DPRK’s nuclear program. On Saturday, the visiting US President kicked off his second day in Seoul with a meeting with business leaders.

He expressed his confidence to the more than dozen corporate executives in attendance, that both countries will have what has been dubbed, "one of the key economic relationships of the 21st century."

