
She said what many of us want to say, and questioned what we want to question.Li Suhua, a member of the CPPCC.她说了我们很多人想说的话,想问的问题。――全国政协委员、女高音歌唱演员李素华谈环保纪录片《穹顶之下》After watc

2015两会代表精彩语录二(双语)"She said what many of us want to say, and questioned what we want to question."

Li Suhua, a member of the CPPCC.



2015两会代表精彩语录二(双语)"After watching the documentary, I realize it was important to explain the science. Chai put in the time researching the components of PM2.5, and how they affect people's cerebrovascular, cardiovascular, lungs and stomach. It's good that the documentary has aroused great public attention, but we should also notice the special development phase that China is in, and the great efforts the country has made in tackling smog."

Lyu Xinhua, spokesman for the CPPCC session



