
Presidential candidate Donald Trump wants to bring unity to the Republican Party, but he will not be getting endorsements from the last two men the party sent to the White House.共和党总统参选人川普希望促成共和党团结,但

Presidential candidate Donald Trump wants to bring unity to the Republican Party, but he will not be getting endorsements from the last two men the party sent to the White House.


George W. Bush, who served two terms before President Barack Obama was elected in 2008, "does not plan to participate in or comment on" this year's race, according to his aide.


A spokesman for Bush's father, George H.W. Bush, said the elder former president is "retired from politics." He left office in 1993 after losing his re-election bid to Bill Clinton.


The elder Bush endorsed Clinton's 1996 Republican opponent Bob Dole, and naturally supported his son's successful campaigns in 2000 against Al Gore and in 2004 against John Kerry.


In 2008, both George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush supported John McCain when he lost to President Barack Obama. They also backed Mitt Romney in 2012 as Obama won a second term.


