Overtly sexy album artwork from singers are censored for audiences in the Middle East
Saudi Arabia and its neighboring Middle Eastern countries are notorious for censoring 'sexual' album covers by female artists in order to make the artwork more appropriate for a conservative audience.
Record companies hoping to sell their artists's albums are ever-more sensitive to the beliefs and cultural traditions of each market they're selling to, and will often tailor album covers in order to avoid offence.
In some extreme cases there have been reports of the Saudi government paying religious police members of the Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (CPVPV) to manually alter from covers.
在一些极端案例中,有报道称沙特政府曾雇佣道德引导和预防恶习委员会( Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (简称CPVPV) )的宗教警察来手动修改这些封面。

Who wore it best? Madonna's 2008 album was censored with many agreeing the second verison was actually better

Cover up: Countries including Lebanon increased the dimension of the ball in front of her in order to cover her breasts. They’ve also colored her legs black in order to give the impression that she’s covered up

Going ga-ga: Lady Gaga's behind was fully clothed when the album was released in the Middle East
The altered covers are found on music download sites such as iTunes as well as in regular stores.
It has been reported in the past that police officers have unwrapped CD cases, removed the front and back inserts and carefully and painstakingly colored in with marker pen any photos baring exposed female flesh that is deemed objectionable.
The CPVP is a government agency that employs religious police, called Muttawa, to make sure that citizens adhere strictly to the teachings of Islam, especially those pertaining to dress, socialization, morality and prayer.
CPVP 是政府治下的组织,其中人员组成为虔诚的穆斯林警察,他们被称为宗教警察。 职能是确保公民们严格遵守伊斯兰教义,尤其在衣着、社交、品行和祷告方面。
The commission comprises approximately 10,000 Muttawa and has nearly 500 centers within the country.
However, while police officers operating within the Middle East are willing to go to extreme lengths in order to make sure any album artwork is appropriate, it is actually far easier for record companies to simply produce separate versions of well-known covers.