
马来西亚公布初步调查报告周四,马来西亚当局终于公布了期盼已久的初步调查报告以及一些其它信息。While Malaysian authorities finally made the long awaited preliminary report public and other information Thursday, there was no



While Malaysian authorities finally made the long awaited preliminary report public and other information Thursday, there was no opportunity for the media to question officials about key points. They made up for that Friday with not one, but two briefings.

A flying visit to Malaysia for the coordinator of the search mh370 and a news conference on the fly. Angus Houston joined Malaysia’s acting transport minister and the French aviation investigator who came out of retirement to assist with the search.

"I think deploying the right assets, taking the necessary time there is hope to find wreckage and know this mystery." said Jean Paul Troadec, French Flight Accident Investigator.

All three officials expressed similar optimism, although Houston warned the search could take a year. Malaysian minister Hishammuddin Hussein announced he would lead a team heading to Canberra on Sunday for three-way talks with senior officials from China and Australia.

"That’s a very important meeting because it will formalize the way ahead to ensure the search continues with urgency and without interruption." said Angus Houston, Head, Joint Agency Coordination Centre.

Later on Friday, Hishammuddin faced questions about the preliminary report and other material the government finally released Thursday.

Of particular concern, the four-hour time lag between when the plane disappeared and when search and rescue teams were alerted. Hishammuddin says it took even longer to activate a search after the Air France crash.

“It is not for us to be debating this here because some have said it is reasonable, some have said it is not reasonable. What I have done is form a committee led by experts. Let the experts decide. Like I have said Malaysia has got nothing to hide in this, and we cannot, because the world wants to know.” said Hishammuddin Hussein, Acting Transport Minister, Malaysia.

So while the report clearly exposed flaws in Malaysia’s response in the first hours after the plane disappeared, the government says it is too early for a postmortem. Instead it wants Malaysia and its international partners to focus wholly on trying to find the final resting place of MH370 and any clues as to why it ended up there.

