1. Could you tell me something about yourself ?
2. How do you like it here ?
3. Why do you want to work here ?
4. Do you know any shorthand ?
5. What’s your major ?
6. I’d be very glad to know something about you.
7. What’s your turn ?
8. Would you mind saying that again please ?
Dialogue 1
A: Can you type , Jane ?
B: Yes , I can .
A: How many words a minute ?
B: about 100 words a minute .
A: En … and can you speak any foreign languages ?
B: Yes , I can speak Spanish , and I can also speak Chinese .
A: Really ? that’s very good .What about French ?
B: No , I can’t speak French . But I can speak Italian , not very well though .
A: … Can you start next week ?
B: Next week ?
A: Yes , on Monday .
B: You mean I have the job ?
A: Yes , that’s right , you have the job now .
Dialogue 2
A: Now , Mr. William , a little personal information first , are you married ?
B: Yes . I am . Actually my wife is a teacher .
A: What’s your major ?
B: German .
A: How long have you been study in German ?
B: Since I first met my wife , about three years .
A: And just one more question , would you like to be an interpreter ?
B: Yes , I’d like to do that ,
A: Very good , you can come here to work next month .
B: Thank you .
Dialogue three :
A: Well , how was the interview ?
B: Not too bad , I suppose .
A: What did the woman ask you ?
B: Oh , she asked me all sorts of questions . She asked if I smoked , and whether I played sports , she asked me where I went to school , and what subjects I took . and she asked me if I like to meeting people .
A: Did she ask you any questions about your family ?
B: Well , she asked me if my parents wanted to be a strides .
A: Did she tell you whether you would get the job ?
B: No , but she told me to telephone her next week .
A: Thank you for coming for interview last Tuesday . we have considered your application carefully , but we’re afraid that we are unable to offer you the post . While your secretarials skills are well up to the standard required , I did not feel that your commend of French was sufficiently good for our purposes . In addition , you seem to lack confidence in dealing with people , which will certainly be a handicap if you want to work as an receptionist . May I suggest that you might do better to look for a job involving ruling office work ?
Interview :
1. Thank you for having talked with me .
2. Thank you for the interview , I hope to see you again .
3. Thank you for giving me this opportunity .
4. Maybe you’ll find out that I’am easy to approach .
5. I think you’re unique , needs a man like me .
6. I’d like to hear your opinion .
7. The vocational training I have received fit me very well for this job .
8. Of course , I’m afraid I am not the possible candidate .
Dialogue 1:
A: Mr. crabby ,I’m pleased to see you .
B: I’ve looked over your resume , ms. Jane . I see you’ve already have quite a lot of experience in secretary work , could you tell me something about your talent with that company ?
A: Oh , yes , I worked there for two years , just graduated from college .
B: en ?
A: It was a good company to work for , I enjoyed my time with them .
B: You like that work ?
A: Yes , I like it very much , the work was not very demanding , and the people I work with were friendly .
B: Why do you want to leave the company ?
A: Make an age of challenges , I must accept the new challenge in my life .
Dialogue 2 :
A: I’d like to apply for a secretarial position .
B: Very well , do you know any shorthand ?
A: No , but I can write very fast .
B: Can you use the computer or other office machines ?
A: No , but I’d like to learn how to use them .
B: Yes , I see , this is a permanent position .
A: Can you work every day from 9 to 5 ?
B: Oh , no , I’m student at a university , and I have to study most of the time . I can only work part time .
A: I couldn’t possibly hire you . You can’t take shorthand , you can’t use a computer , and you can only work part time .
Dialogue 3 :
A: Very glad to know something about you , then what are you going to do when you finish .
B: Oh , I’ll go to shanghai to practice there.
A: Oh , that’s a good idea . It must be easy to find a job in shanghai .
B: I think so , you know there is a great deal of opportunity for business there .
A: And English is very useful in your job .
B: I think it will be very useful in many ways . Beside , shanghai is an important trade center , not only in China , but also in the world , English is useful in almost all walks of life .
A: You will be a very promising one .
B: That’s my wish .
I have been a journal ten years , I often interview people . Today I am at a Parents’ meeting with high school , I ask some parents questions . I asked the first parent , whether she minded telling me what they thought of the school , she told me that they were quite pleased with it , and then , I asked what grade was her child in , she said that she had a son at the fifth grade , he was quite good at science , but he was wake in English . Then I interviewed some other parents , and they gave a lot of information about this school and their children . After three hours interview , I came about the interview and report the information to the public .