
李克强抵达安哥拉Chinese Premier Li Keqiang is currently in Angola for a visit. Li is scheduled to meet with Angolan President Jose Eduardo dos Santos. During his stay, a number of agreements are expected to be signed, co


Chinese Premier Li Keqiang is currently in Angola for a visit. Li is scheduled to meet with Angolan President Jose Eduardo dos Santos. During his stay, a number of agreements are expected to be signed, covering sectors like medical science, hydro-power, agriculture and people’s livelihoods.

Angola is the third stop of Premier Li’s week-long Africa tour. He arrived in Angola on Thursday after visiting Ethiopia and Nigeria, and will travel next to Kenya. On Thursday, Li Keqiang attended a meeting with more than 40 representatives of Chinese workers. He urged them to follow local customs and laws and contribute to friendly ties between the two counties. Youth representatives from the group handed in a letter of suggestions on how to ensure the safety and career development of oversea Chinese workers. Angola is home to over 200-thousand Chinese, and accounts for a quarter of Chinese people in Africa.

