The historical documentary Mr Deng goes to Washington, which premiered in the capital on May 12, not only reveals the details of an attempted assassination of Deng, but is also the first time animated images of China's leaders have appeared on the silver screen.
1979年,中美建交(China established diplomatic relations with the US)后一个月,邓小平应邀赴美进行了九天的访问。在以往的电影中,通过动漫手段(animation)来讲述国家领导人经历的并不多见。而《旋风九日》(Mr Deng goes to Washington)中把历史影像资料(historical footages)、受访者画面和邓小平动漫视频剪辑在了一起。
影片中邓小平的动漫形象(animated images)有12段,既有法式、美式、日式动画风格,还有传统皮影(traditional shadow puppetry)风格。邓小平动漫形象得到了邓家后人的认可。
设计邓小平动漫形象的是“90后”朱宇辰,北京电影学院(Beijing Film Academy)动画专业的一名在读研究生(graduate student),曾为温家宝等领导人画过漫画(cartoon)。朱宇辰说,电影中邓小平的动漫形象也是有变化的(not static)。参加会议时,邓小平的动漫形象严肃一点;而参加宴会时,就会稍微活泼一些(he's portrayed in a more lively way)。
(中国日报网英语点津 彭娜)