
伊朗与六国的核谈判未达到预定目标刚刚结束的伊朗与六国的核谈判未达到预定目标。Iran and six major world powers have failed to reach their objectives innuclear talks which just ended. The talks were expected to begin a draft



Iran and six major world powers have failed to reach their objectives in nuclear talks which just ended. The talks were expected to begin a draft of a final agreement on Iran’s nuclear program. Senior Iranian nuclear negotiator Abbas Araqchi said the differences were so wide that negotiators could not write the text.

Despite a lack of progress and a failure to reach a specific conclusion, he highlighted that it did not spell a dead end for the talks. He said the parties involved are "determined to continue the talks, and the duration of the negotiations could possibly extend for another six months. Iran and the six countries concluded their three days of intensive talks in Vienna on Friday.

