I don’t get the reason why I am slow on the draw sometimes.
再聪明的人也有反应迟钝的时候,当人们have a cold 的时候更是如此。If you say that someone is slow on the draw, you mean that he or she is not quick to understand something new. 相反,如果某人反应很快速,就用 be quick on the draw来表示。
We shouldn’t ridicule him, who is a little slow on the draw.
人反应迟钝的时候有时看起来真有点不可思议。比如戴在手上的watch却让你到处找,有时明明戴着的眼镜到处都找遍了,甚至费劲九牛二虎之力也找不到。对了,“到处都找遍了”在英文中有一个相应的表达:search high and low, 如:
I searched high and low for that book, but I couldn‘t find it.
high and low 除了字面的“高低贵贱、盛衰、浮沉”等意思外,还有“到处”的意思。从字面上看,片语search high and low的意思是“上下搜寻,查找”,引申意义为“为了寻找某物而到处都找遍了”。 To search high and low is to search something everywhere and in most cases the search is failed.
After I had searched high and low for my glasses, my workmate told me that it was just wearing on my nose.
结束语:有时在知识抢答比赛中,人们为了表明自己并不反应迟钝(not slow on the draw),主持人的提问刚一结束他们就急忙的寻找按钮。然而由于过度紧张,他们到处找遍了也没有找到按钮 (search high and low),以致怠误了时机。