
普京:尊重乌克兰大选结果俄罗斯总统普京表示会认同乌克兰总统选举结果,将会和乌克兰新的领导层打交道。Russian President Vladimir Putin says he will recognize the outcome of Ukraines presidential election slated for Sunday, a



Russian President Vladimir Putin says he will recognize the outcome of Ukraine’s presidential election slated for Sunday, and will work with the new leadership. He said Russia wanted peace and order to be restored in its neighbour. D

"There was a coup d’etat backed by our American and European partners. Then, there was chaos and now we are witnessing a full-scale civil war," Russian president Vladimir Putin said.

"We are interested that, on our western borders - I am speaking without any irony - in our brother country Ukraine, peace has begun, and calmness. And, of course, we work (even) today with those who control the power, but after the election, we will of course work with the newly elected structures," Putin said.

Furthermore, he pledged that Russia "will respect the choice of the Ukrainian people" who are set to elect a new president on May 25th.

Speaking on economic sanctions, introduced by the West against Russia over its alleged intereference into Ukrainian crisis, Vladimir Putin suggested some countries to gain economic advantage:

"Insisting on applying sanctions to Russia, Maybe our American friends - they are sophisticated guys - want to get a competitive advantage in their trade and economic relations over Europe," Putin said.

