
中国回应哈格尔香格里拉对话演讲 During the Shangri-la Dialogue, US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel critisized Chinas role in regional disputes. China in response, firmly opposed Hagels criticism.Deputy Chief of the Gener


During the Shangri-la Dialogue, US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel critisized China’s role in regional disputes. China in response, firmly opposed Hagel’s criticism.

Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, Lieutenant General Wang Guanzhong said Hagel’s speech was completely non-constructive.

"I think Hagel’s speech was full of hegemony. It was a speech filled with instigation, threat and intimidation, which wanted to incite the destabilizing factors of Asia-Pacific region to stir up disputes." Wang said, "It is a totally non-constructive speech. Hagel’s repeatedly denouncement over China was entirely groundless. On Friday, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s speech had insinuated blaming China. And today, Hagel openly denounced China, which forced me to make a response. I think Hagel’s speech made no contribution to developing new relationship between the two countries. As the great powers of the world, both China and the US should expand shared interests, narrow differences and clear up misunderstanding. I am confidence with China and the US to build new power relations and new military ties.

