The legalization of gay marriage nationwide in the US has deeply encouraged LGBT groups around world seeking expanded rights.
A graduate at Sun Yat-sen University came out of the closet during commencement on Saturday in Guangdong province, claiming her identity as a lesbian to the president of the university.
The graduate politely asked the university president, "Would you make a gesture of support for sexual minorities?" and the president made the gesture and hugged her.
She also posted on Weibo, appealing for equal rights among people of different identities.
随着美国同性婚姻合法化,中国同性者也争相开始为自己争取权利。保守的小编认为:女孩子们还是喜欢男人吧,中国的单身狗已经被虐的惨不忍睹,就不要再虐狗了~~男孩子们的话随意,你们成双成对,留给其他单身狗的妹纸就多了 啊~~啊~~啊~~