
中国与联合国共办网络安全研讨会The International Workshop on Information and Cyber Security has opened in Beijing. The theme of the two-day workshop is Towards a Peaceful, Secure, Open and Cooperative Cyber Space. A Spoke


The International Workshop on Information and Cyber Security has opened in Beijing. The theme of the two-day workshop is "Towards a Peaceful, Secure, Open and Cooperative Cyber Space". A Spokesman for Chinese Foreign Ministry has outlined the major topics on the agenda and China’s expectations.


"We hope that this meeting can enable all countries to conduct more policy exchanges on cyber security, enhance mutual trust, foster the formulation of international rules in cyber space and the process of Internet governance, and make contributions to building a peaceful, secure, open and cooperative cyber space in the world." Spokesman for Chinese Foreign Ministry Hong Lei said.

The Foreign Ministry says the workshop will discuss issues including the formulation of rules, Internet governance, the role of the UN, regional cooperation and capacity building. Over 20 countries, the UN Office of Disarmament Affairs, the International Telecommunication union   and other UN agencies, representatives from prestigious think tanks from foreign countries will attend the workshop.

Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Li Baodong is expected to address the opening ceremony with a key-note speech. He will discuss China’s views and practices on cyber security. It is the first time for China and the UN to co-host an international workshop on cyber issues.

