
中国坚定维护主权The G7 summit on Wednesday stopped short of taking a pro-Japan stance over disputes in the South and East China Seas. The communique issued in Brussels comes as a blow to Japanese officials who have been


The G7 summit on Wednesday stopped short of taking a pro-Japan stance over disputes in the South and East China Seas. The communique issued in Brussels comes as a blow to Japanese officials who have been trying to sell an anti-China agenda in the run-up to the meeting.

Japan had reportedly pushed the G7 to single out China for the rising tensions in the East and South China Seas, hoping to apply international pressure on China. In response, China’s Foreign Ministry has reaffirmed the country’s determination to protect its sovereignty and rights.

China’s Foreign Ministry has clearly said China is determined to safeguard its territorial and maritime rights in the East and South China Seas.

"China firmly safeguards its territorial sovereignty, maritime rights and national security. And China always maintains order and navigation freedom in its waters and airspace, in accordance with international law and conventions." Hong Lei, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said, "We are committed to solving disputes with directly concerned parties through negotiation and dialogue, on the basis of respecting historical facts and international laws."

Hong Lei added that negotiation and discussions are the most effective way to resolve disputes.

He said the involvement of irrelevant parties will only worsen the disputes and increase the instability in the region.

"China is committed to facing up to any challenge to its sovereignty and interests and any challenge that would destroy peace and stability in the seas." Hong said.

China urges Vietnam to stop disruptions in oil drilling operation.

In recent days, Vietnam has been frequently harassing China’s oil drilling operation near the Xisha Islands in the South China Sea.

The site of Rig 981 is southeast of Zhongjian Island, which is one of the Xisha Islands. The rig is located 17 nautical miles from the Xisha Islands and therefore falls within China’s territorial zone in the seas around the islands. But it lies 160 nautical miles from Vietnam. But the Vietnamese side claimed it as being within Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf.

The spokesman urged the Vietnamese side to stop all disruptions, and withdraw all vessels from the scene.

"Up to now, the Vietnamese side has rammed Chinese vessels on the scene over 1,200 times, and has set up large floating objects and obstacles. this action has grossly infringed upon China’s sovereign rights and jurisdiction, and jeopardized the security of Chinese people and facilities. It is a violation of international law and basic norms governing international relations, and it undermines navigation freedom and safety in these waters." Hong said.

China has shown restraint in response to Vietnam’s repeated provocations.

However, the Vietnamese side has taken advantage of China’s restraint to complicate the situation and escalate the tension.

"Any actions taken by Vietnam to magnify and complicate the situation can only harm its own interests. Vietnam should immediately stop all provocation and withdraw all its vessels from the scene so as to restore tranquillity to the sea as soon as possible." Hong said.

Hong Lei said up to now, Vietnam has not made any compensation to the Chinese people and companies that were affected in the violence targeted at Chinese companies in Vietnam last month.

He urged Vietnam to severely punish the perpetrators and compensate the Chinese companies for their losses.

