伊拉克安巴尔大学遭袭 数十名学生被劫持

伊拉克安巴尔大学遭袭 数十名学生被劫持伊拉克官方表示巴格达西部一所大学遭武装分子袭击,数十名学生被劫持为人质。事件于周六早上发生在安巴尔省的安巴尔大学。武装分子表示已经扣留了数十名该校的学生。Iraqi officials say gunmen st

伊拉克安巴尔大学遭袭 数十名学生被劫持


Iraqi officials say gunmen stormed a university west of Baghdad and are holding dozens of students hostage.


The attack took place Saturday morning at Anbar University near the provincial capital Ramadi in the restive Anbar province. The gunmen say they have detained dozens of students inside the university dormitory.

Since late December, parts of the province have been controlled by Islamic extremists and other anti-government militants. They include a group called the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL. The ISIL has carried out scores of deadly attacks on the country’s border.

It was not immediately clear if the ISIL are behind the university attack.

