The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology isrequiring telecommunications companies to implementa full real-name system for all phone users before June30, 2017.
An article in People's Posts and TelecommunicationsNews, a newspaper directly under the supervision ofthe ministry, said telecoms need to increase theproportion of real-name users to at least 95 percentby the end of this year and to 100 percent by the endof next June.
Operators are also urged to employ a range of methods such as text messages, phone calls,letters and notices to demand all phone users complete registration on time.
Those who fail to complete the registration after the deadline will be cut off the line by telecomscompanies.
It's estimated that the current real-name system covers 92% of users, with some 100m yet toprovide their real identities.
China initiated the real-name registration system in 2013 as part of a new government measure toreduce anonymity and regulate the market, an effort that intensified in 2015.
By April, over 140,000 telephone numbers offered by more than 20 companies were shut downbecause they were used in fraud. about 40 percent of those numbers were run by virtual telecomoperators.