
CCTV9英语新闻:中日驻英大使BBC正面交锋Chinese and Japanese ambassadors interviewed on BBC NewsnightThe Chinese and Japanese ambassadors to United Kingdom have both appeared on the BBC program Newsnight. Although they wer


Chinese and Japanese ambassadors interviewed on BBC Newsnight


The Chinese and Japanese ambassadors to United Kingdom have both appeared on the BBC program Newsnight. Although they were both in the studio, they sat apart from each other and were interviewed separately by the host, Jeremy Paxman.

Liu Xiaoming said Japanese PM Shinzo Abe’s visit to Yasukuni Shrine last month was no small matter.

“Those who fail to learn from history will doom to repeat it.” Liu said.

Two ambassadors completely disagreed on the issue of the Diaoyu islands.

"We acquire islands peacefully and lawfully in 19th century. We’re are not engaged in any use of force at all."

"Part of China territory...illegally, Japan wants to change the status quo, nationalise island..."Liu said.

Liu said China’s assertiveness is all about sovereignty.

The Cairo Declaration was signed by the United States, China and great Britain in 1943, and became the legal basis of the post-war international order in the Asia-Pacific.

The rulebook later became increasingly specific through a series of documents, including Japan’s pacifist constitution, which the Abe administration is now trying to revise.

