别看人家年龄小就以为他们没什么经历,00后读大学都有复读过的呢~ 今年14岁的女生袁一帆也考取了复旦大学,而她去年已经参加过一次高考,为了进入名校则选择了复读一年。其实在2014级的大学新生中,就已经出现了“00后”的面孔,不过今年身为“00后”踏入校园的鲜肉萝莉又多了一些。

Fudan University yesterday admitted its youngest student for the academic year, 14-year-old XiaoYuhe.
Beijing native Yuhe will be joined by two other students who are just months older at therenowned city university.
Yuhe has been admitted by the School of Mathematical Sciences, and yesterday moved into hisdormitory in Yangpu District, which he will share with older roommates.
"It is my dream to study in the school of mathematics at Fudan as I've been interested inmathematics since I was very young," he told reporters.
Yuhe was admitted by the university after scoring 692 out of 750 in the national college entranceexam in June. He scored the maximum 150 for math.
【Key Points】
例:She has some skills. But to say she is a literary genius is a bit of a stretch.
大学校园经常有学霸出没,英文里“学霸”可用study overlord或curve wrecker表示,各方面都优秀的学生,英文可说star student或top student.