(CNN)Italy’s highest court has ruled that masturbation in public is not a crime, as long as it is not conducted in the presence of minors.
(CNN) 意大利最高法院下达了一个判决:只要不是在未成年人面前,在公共场所进行性自慰不构成犯罪。
The decision came down from the Italian Supreme Court -- La Corte di Cassazione -- in the case of a 69-year-old man, identified only as "PL," who was caught masturbating in Catania, a city on Sicily’s east coast.
这个决定来自于意大利最高法院——科尔特迪最高法院——对意大利西西里岛东海岸卡塔尼亚市一名 69 岁的男性(被称为“PL”)因为自慰被逮捕一案件的裁决。
The man was convicted in May 2015 after he performed the act in front of students on the University of Catania campus, according to documents filed with Supreme Court. The man was sentenced to three months in prison and ordered to pay a fine of euro 3,200.
意大利最高法院的文件显示,去年 5 月,此男因在卡塔尼亚大学的校园内于学生面前进行自慰而被判有罪,被判决处以 3 个月的监禁以及 3200 欧元的罚金。
However, the defendant’s lawyer appealed the case to the country’s highest court, which ruled on the side of the accused in June but only just made its decision public. Judges ruled that public masturbation out of the presence of minors is no longer deemed criminal conduct due to a change in the law last year, which decriminalized the act.
不过,他的律师之后向最高法院提起上诉,支持被告的判决在 6 月便已下达,,但直到最近才得以公开。政府去年出台的法律规定发生了一些变化,公共场所只要不是在未成年面前自慰,已不再被视为犯罪行为。
The new iteration of the criminal code does call for imprisonment -- of up to four-and-a-half years -- if the act is witnessed by a minor.
不过,如果在未成年的面前进行此行为,最高可以处以 4 年零 6 个月的监禁。
In light of this ruling, the court overturned "PL’s" sentence. The case has been sent back to local courts in Catania to determine exactly what the administrative fine -- between euro 5,000 and euro 30,000 -- will be.
Public masturbation remains a criminal offense in many other parts of the world, where it can lead to a jail sentence.