
2014年金砖峰会将于7月15日开幕金砖国家领导人之间一年一度的会议将于下周二至周四在巴西举行。这是金砖国家领导人间的第六次会晤。中国主席习近平将参与此次金砖峰会。An annual meeting of leaders from the BRICS nations will take p



An annual meeting of leaders from the BRICS nations will take place in Brazil from next Tuesday through Thursday.

This will be the sixth such gathering since the summit’s inception. China’s President Xi Jinping will be attending the summit, joining negotiations for a potential BRICS development bank that funds infrastructure projects among BRICS nations.

The meeting continues to put Brazil in the spotlight as leaders from Russia, India, China, South Africa meet in Latin America’s largest economy just two days after the World Cup final.

Topics on the summit’s agenda range from the current geopolitical situation, to the likely establishment of a BRICS Bank.

Analysts say that China would use the BRICS development bank platform to boost its outbound investment, and push forward the internationalization of its currency.

