Solemn ceremonies mark 1st anniversary of Paris attacks

A woman lights candles to pay respect in front of the Bataclan concert hall in Paris, France, November 13, 2016 after a ceremony held for the victims of last year's Paris attacks which targeted the Bataclan concert h

Solemn ceremo<em></em>nies mark 1st anniversary of Paris attacks

A woman lights candles to pay respect in front of the Bataclan concert hall in Paris, France, November 13, 2016 after a ceremony held for the victims of last year's Paris attacks which targeted the Bataclan concert hall as well as a series of bars and killed 130 people. [Photo/IC]

Solemn ceremo<em></em>nies mark 1st anniversary of Paris attacks

onlookers take pictures with their phone in front of the Bataclan concert hall in Paris, France, after a ceremony held for the victims of last year's Paris attacks which targeted the Bataclan concert hall as well as a series of bars and killed 130 people, November 13, 2016. [Photo/IC]

