
SUVA - King George Tupou V of Tonga has died in hospital in Hong Kong, Website Fijivillage reported here on Monday.据Fijivillage网周一报道,汤加国王乔治图普五世在香港医院去世。According to the report, Matangi Tonga Onlin

SUVA - King George Tupou V of Tonga has died in hospital in Hong Kong, Website Fijivillage reported here on Monday.


According to the report, Matangi Tonga online quoted sources as saying the king was taken to hospital Sunday afternoon and died a few hours later.

Matangi Tonga online 援引消息人士报道称汤加国王于周日下午被送往医院,几个小时候离世。

Tonga George was crowned as Tonga's monarch in 2008 following the death of his father in 2006. He last year was diagnosed with cancer and had a kidney removed after a "significant tumor" was located.


