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1.cover in【原句】She's usually not covered in this much sweat. (S0520)【翻译】她通常不会这么大汗淋漓。【场景】Caroline紧跑慢跑到了Randy与合伙人见面的餐厅,作为Max的合伙人出席这个聚餐。在到达场地后,Caroline出于礼貌

1.cover in

【原句】She's usually not covered in this much sweat. (S0520)




cover in vt.遮盖住(填满)。

cover verb[ T ]盖上;覆盖;遮盖;遮蔽。= to put or spread something over something, or to lie on the surface of something

扩展cover yourself in/with glory功成名就;取得很大成功;赢得赞赏。= to be very successful and earn admiration


The bandages were covered with/in blood.


She covered him (up) with a blanket.


He didn't exactly cover himself with glory in his last job.



2.false alarm

【原句】Nope, it's cool, false alarm. (S0520)




false alarm noun [ C ]假警报;虚惊。= an occasion when people wrongly believe that something dangerous or unpleasant is happening or will happen

扩展false friend noun [ C ](另一语言中的某个词的)形近异义词,同形异义词,同音异义字。= a word that is often confused with a word in another language with a different meaning because the two words look or sound similar


She thought she was pregnant, but it turned out to be a false alarm (= she was not).


The French word "actuellement" and the English word "actually" are false friends.

法语单词 actuellement 和英语单词 actually 是一对形近异义词。

