组图盘点:世界怪鞋排行 中国三寸金莲鞋拔得头筹

Shoes date back to the 8,000s BCa very long history, indeed. Over the millennia all manner of styles and materials have been used for shoes. Some successful (the modern athletic shoe) and some not successful at all (lotu

组图盘点:世界怪鞋排行 中国三寸金莲鞋拔得头筹

Shoes date back to the 8,000s BC – a very long history, indeed. Over the millennia all manner of styles and materials have been used for shoes. Some successful (the modern athletic shoe) and some not successful at all (lotus shoes). this list looks at ten bizarre styles of shoe from early to modern history.


10.Okobo Japan, 18th century –today

10、高跟木屐鞋 日本 18世纪至今

Long before the 1970’s and the platform shoes, Japanese maiko (apprentice geisha) had been wearing Okobo sandals or clogs. The reason for wearing these very high platform shoes was not solely for fashion, but also for very practical reasons. If you are wearing a very expensive kimono that hangs all the way to your feet, you do not want to get mud on it when you walk outside.


